Colloquium Balticum

Colloquium Balticum XIX (2022)

CB 2022

Colloquium Balticum XIX Tartuense

Philologia magistra vitae

University of Tartu, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures

Tartu, Estonia, 12–15 October 2022

Colloquium Balticum Tartuense XIX brings together young and advanced classical scholars from Tartu, Vilnius, Marburg, Lund University and Latvian University, and invited guests from the long-time collaboration partners of these universities. This years’ Colloquium Balticum is connected to the research Day on Neohumanism in Tartu (October 12th), which is open to reseachers from other universities and disciplines. 13th–15th October will be dedicated to different subjects:

* What and what for is Classical philology? Self-reflection of the discipline ‘classical philology’ from case studies, dedicated to scholars and or special research themes to personal answers to this, in respect of modern time. 

* How do we learn and speak Greek and Latin? The didactics and practice of ancient languages (and study of ancient culture in general) in antiquity, Early modern period, 19th century and/or today

* What are the classical authors? Development and remodelling of the canon of classical authors from Alexandria to the Renaissance, 19th century and today, with the main focus on Halle-Tartu axis. 

* What is the message of classical authors? This section is dedicated to the case studies.

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